Thursday, April 29, 2010
Where has all the lumber gone?
Into our house, that's where! Thursday morning - framing is done, as far as I can tell. There is nothing but a pile of scrap lumber in the yard. They're already sheathing the outer walls.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Framing almost done
We took this pic yesterday, they have lowered the front wall that was jammed against the tree limb before. This business of building a new home has barely started, but is wearing us out. A lot of ups & downs. I'll be out of town for a few days, so hubby is going to be the BlogMaster.

If I were lying on the sidewalk in front of the entry, this would be the view.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Second floor, please
Everything is ripping right along now. On Sunday, I went over to pull up more ivy, and walked through the house. The frame for the stairs had been built, but not the stairs themselves - here is that pic:

Monday - stairs are done and the framers are using them.

The back porch was also framed up today, here it is from the west side:
And here is the porch from the north side.
Alberto, the boss of the framers, told us framing would be done by Wednesday.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Cool ride of the week.7
This week, we have this artsy hearse. I have seen this car around town for years, finally had the camera handy. Art cars are popular in Houston. There is an Art Car Parade every year, you wouldn't believe some of the stuff rolling by. Look at all the kitty faces painted on - the owner must be a cat lover.

Not really - but if this cheetah could drive, he would definitely have a cool ride.
Hey, look who was driving this cool ride:
Friday, April 23, 2010
Back to work
Okay, everyone, we seem to be back on track. The independent engineer checked the post tensioning of the slab (sounds like I know what I'm talking about, right?), and reports that everything is within tolerances and nothing cracked. Hallelujah! We have a foundation! We went over after dinner tonight, and a bunch of workers was busy. You're lucky I didn't zoom in too much on this guy, he was about to show his carpenter's crack:
And get a load of this one's phenomenal abdominals:
Well, we just hope they do a nice job. We're glad they're back at work.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Worked it out
We met with the builder's representatives, including the framer, on Monday. The framer, a gentlemen from Mexico, had the best solution for accommodating the tree limb. I used my secret weapon, Spanish, and understood what he suggested. The builder has re-drawn the entry and front of the house to lower it about a foot. Now it should fit. I went over tonight after work. Someone had delivered more lumber, and they situated the Texas Outhouse more evenly (yesterday, I wouldn't have gone in there on a bet - tipover city). We hope they get back to work soon.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Cool ride of the week.6
This week, for your drooling pleasure, we have a Porsche Panamera. I saw this at the dry cleaners, a nice lady drove up and took her cleaning in, and I asked if I could take a picture of her car. Sure! We just looked it up online - these go for about $120k. Wouldn't you be afraid to drive around in a car that expensive? I would be. But it sure is a cool ride.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Hurry up and wait
On Friday, framing began. And stopped. We went to eat tex-mex with our friends, as we usually do on Friday nights. "Let's go over for a look!" We got there about 7:45pm and a crew was hard at work. We snapped pictures like mad. They had done all this in about 3 and a half hours:

The house we're building will be like the one pictured below (that big house? for two people? Yes, it's what they do in our neighborhood). See the front door there in the middle, with the stone around it? That is going to be right under the Big Tree Limb Of Contention. As we watched the framers, we thought Yes! It will fit!

About 8pm, as the light was fading, the framers pulled that part into position. Uh-oh. It doesn't fit, after all. Called the construction foreman, he called the framers, and work stopped.
The house we're building will be like the one pictured below (that big house? for two people? Yes, it's what they do in our neighborhood). See the front door there in the middle, with the stone around it? That is going to be right under the Big Tree Limb Of Contention. As we watched the framers, we thought Yes! It will fit!
About 8pm, as the light was fading, the framers pulled that part into position. Uh-oh. It doesn't fit, after all. Called the construction foreman, he called the framers, and work stopped.
We're having a meeting with the Powers That Be on Monday at noon, see what they're going to do. Please send a good thought for us!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Ready? Let's frame it.
Tax day has come & gone! wahoo! Today they took the forms off the foundation. Look at it, all nice & clean. I have the urge to take a broom over & sweep up a little.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Shall I pour?
I went to a nice party a few months ago, and one of the waiters was walking around with a bottle of wine, asking "shall I pour?" That's a good gig. Today, they poured our new foundation. We have hired an independent engineer to look at the drawings and make sure things are being done right. The engineer had some changes, so the builder scrambled to do those changes before the concrete trucks arrived this morning. Hubby and the engineer went over, mid-morning, to check out the scene. Watch out for that tree!
This guy directs the concrete pump with a remote control unit.
I went over about 11:15 a.m. The construction manager assured me the changes had been done. By then, the concrete pour had begun. Here's the living room, then dining room, then kitchen, from the east side:
I had wondered what all those little sticks of lumber were for, randomly leaning around the forms. After I saw one of the workers placing these clips into the concrete, I understood their purpose - balance.
I watched as long as I could, then went back to work. By the time the day was done, the concrete had already set up and two workers were putting the finishing touches on it.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Cool ride of the week.5
Almost ready for concrete
That red coil of stuff in the front yard? Bro Bill thought it was water line, the new "pecs" stuff. Nope! It's some kind of reinforcement for the foundation. Tonight we took a look, and it's all laid out like a grid.
And that random paint can? It was this black tar stuff that they have painted all over the plumbing pipes. We wonder if those red grid lines will be tightened up. At the moment, they look like licorice whips just laid in there for fun (update: Mike the neighbor says they will pour the concrete, let it cure for about 10 days, and then tighten those cables). What's with all the black plastic, does that stay in there when they pour the foundation? Cousin Ed H in Ohio, tell us! Tune in next week. Meanwhile, I'll be ripping out some more of the ivy. While wearing my garden gloves.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What's that red stuff?
Seriously, what is that coil of red stuff? Anyone? Help us out here. Conduit? We don't know. Well, that's what is in the yard today, along with some rebar, boxes of clip things, and an odd can of paint (whaaaa?).

There's that paint can.
That's all for today, folks. Just a delivery of stuff.
Monday, April 5, 2010
If you put a can on it, they will come
Told you! They brought the Texas Outhouse last Friday, and today, there was progress. The pipes for all the plumbing have been laid out, and some of the concrete forms for the slab were put up. Here is the view from the east side of the lot.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Easter Bunny went to the rodeo
After eating deep fried stuff at the rodeo a few weeks ago, I took pix of several rabbits. I never knew there were so many breeds, there must have been dozens of different ones. Here is everyone's notion of the Easter Bunny:
I liked this brown one, he seems mellow.
Cool ride of the week.4
This week, we bring you two cool rides for the price of one - the Ferrari sisters. I did a little shopping at Highland Village last week. As I was leaving, I spotted this sleek silver one in front of a jewelry store. According to the cop I chatted with, it belongs to the owner of the jewelry store. Hey, what's that red one across the street, see it? Let's zoom in.
Friday, April 2, 2010
At last - something new
Well gang, it isn't much, but something should be happening soon - the Texas Outhouse has been delivered! Look at its stylish colors - green & tan, to blend in with the landscape. I could hardly see it.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. Stay tuned for this week's cool ride (tomorrow) and pix of the Easter Bunny on Sunday.
I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. Stay tuned for this week's cool ride (tomorrow) and pix of the Easter Bunny on Sunday.
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