Who's up for a little nostalgia? (WE ARE!) Well, girls & boys, this week, your blogmistress stepped out the front door for the mail, and what was out there? A couple of huge boxes, that's what. (WHAT WAS IN THEM?) I'm glad you asked. A cool, retro bike was in them!! Ok, it was in several pieces, but now it's one awesome bike.
How did this come to be? Let's rewind about 40 years. We called this Mom's bike, and so it was. It's a big, heavy, one-speed. Your blogmistress, being smart and industrious, not to mention semi-brawny, took over brother Bill's paper route when he went to work at A&P in the early 70's. She needed a summer ride to deliver those papers! Enter Mom's bike. Here we are, Mom & daughter, probably at the precise moment of hand-off. Look, there are the papers, behind the bike!

Big brother Dave stored this bike in his garage or barn for many years. Last year, after Bill finished restoring the Ding-Ray, he needed a new project. So he restored Mom's bike! What a fine job he did, too. Thanks Bill-Ding! I don't have any purple bellbottoms these days, but I tried to capture the same stance - check it!
Bill tricked it out with a headlight on the front fender and a horn - the original, paper route workhorse didn't have that - don't we all need a little enhancement as we get older? (Botox? SURE! Boob job? NO!)
When is the last time you rode your bike, just for fun? Get out there & start pedaling.