As Roseanne Rosannadanna used to say on SNL, it's always something. In 2011, we had the drought. It was pretty brutal in Texas, and we're still having drought conditions, but not as bad. The live oak trees, in an effort to propagate themselves in 2012, produced a billion acorns. The garden columnist calls it a mast year. We don't have a live oak, but our neighbor does - right on the fence line. Guess where most of the acorns dropped? On our patio. Look at those little buggers.

Gahhhhhh! acorns out the wazoo.
Right about now, the deer who follow my blog are all, Oh man, why'd you throw them out? Well, the squirrels didn't seem to want them, and I was sick of them crunching underfoot. Here's the after shot - downright tidy out there now.
It's giving us something besides fence to look at through the kitchen window:
Gahhhhhh! acorns out the wazoo.
Well, you can't really sweep them, or use the leaf blower, because among the acorns is gravel, and we don't want that flying everywhere. What to do? Pick 'em up by hand. Lucky for me, it was a gorgeous, wish I still had a convertible kind of day. There I am, picking up acorns.
Right about now, the deer who follow my blog are all, Oh man, why'd you throw them out? Well, the squirrels didn't seem to want them, and I was sick of them crunching underfoot. Here's the after shot - downright tidy out there now.
Meanwhile, what's this plant doing, hanging in the middle of the fence?
It's giving us something besides fence to look at through the kitchen window:
Finally, here's the ultimate thing you didn't know you needed, until you see it - a lighted hanging rod for the closet. Now, my hub can see whether those slacks are black, gray or blue. Sweet!