They put all the sod back in place, and they'll have to pour a new slab of stupid concrete, because this one broke into pieces. Happy New Year, everyone! Don't drink & drive.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
What'd we get for Christmas? A new water meter!
Hope everyone had a peaceful Christmas. Or Festivus. Last month we received a very large water bill from the City. Bigger than any before. 21,000 gallons, they said we used. WHAT? Call the water department. "Well, you can read your own meter, if you want." Uhhhh, nope. Because, guess what, our water meter is under the Sidewalk to Nowhere - remember, the one the City required the day before move-in? Jiminy Christmas. Called the warranty department of our builder. The lady cracked up laughing. Under the sidewalk? NO WAY! Keep on laughing, chicky chick, here is our meter:
These two dudes dug it out, and moved it south about 18 inches. Notice the nice braid on the guy on the right.
Luckily, it was about 70 degrees that day. I wore shorts and did a lot of sidewalk supervising. Gave 'em a Diet Coke. There was a leak, right at the meter, so the super-competent City will fix that.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Got a new rug -ug -ug
Our family room has a super high ceiling, and it echoed in there. Until yesterday. With the great help of our friend Michael (she's Michael Ann to new people, Michael to us, Little Rag to me!), we found this nice rug and wrestled it into position yesterday. The echo is gone. Thanks, Little Rag!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Deck the halls & other things
This weekend we put up our Christmas lights. We don't go for the complete saturation look with music, but it's cool when others do it (Rybes!). Since this is the first time we have decorated our new home for Christmas, we're still figuring out what to do. It's a work in progress right now.
The Smart seemed to need decorating, too, so we bought this little outfit at Walgreens. We have named the Smart "Pookie", after the lion puppet on Soupy Sales, so this is Pookie the Red Nosed Smart-deer:
Those of you who remember Soupy Sales' kids show (mostly us Midwesterners) might like to check out some of his shows on youtube (my F&J coworkers had better not view this at work - check it out at home!) Here's a good one - fast forward to 3:42 and watch for Pookie singing the "Chew Tobacco Rag" - keep on watching until 7:11 for the last gag.
Monday, November 22, 2010
51 is not a prime number
However, your humble blogmistress is 51 today, and feels pretty good. How did you celebrate your birthday as a kid? Big party, lots of friends over? At our house, there were already a lot of kids around, so we could invite one friend over for dinner, and we could choose the menu, including our birthday cake. I was a pretty big kid before I realized my cake could be CHEESECAKE. Last night, I made my own darned cheesecake, and this morning, I had a nice slab of it for breakfast along with a cup of regular coffee. THAT'S how I grew up so big & strong! I'm having another piece tonight.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
November at the Jardin
There was big excitement at our house last week - family visited! Brother #1, his wife & brother #3 flew in to check out the scene. We took in the Veteran's Day parade (way cool, lots of bands), then I set the bros to work, building some shelves in our garage. What is family for? USING!! Here are the boys, putting on the finishing touches.
Jim likes guns, so everything is a gun to him. Thanks for the nice shelves, boys!
Next, they had to hang some artwork for us. It took a lot of precise measurements, but we didn't have to patch over any holes.
Later, out on the patio, this katydid (or whatever bug) hung out with us:
Finally, here I am getting some free water from our rain barrels.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Cool ride of the week.27
We haven't had a cool ride for some time. This week, guest blogger Mark (aka Rocco) sent in these photos he took in Birmingham, Michigan - home to MANY cool rides. How about this FINE Morgan Aeromax?
This car would make the Batmobile look like a salt ride.
Here's a picture of the interior I got from the Morgan USA website. Even if you're not into cars, wouldn't you like to sit in that cockpit, take a deep whiff of the leather smell, and just drift into a nice daydream about gliding down the road in this beauty?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
For the superchix @ work
Here are some pics of the inside, taken before we got any window shades. Everything looks kind of . . . naked. Here's the formal living room:
Dining room (that artwork on the floor has been hung up now):
Hubby took this pic from the bridge this evening. We can look down and hawk loogies at each other. Ewwww! More artwork that needs to be hung up.

Monday, October 18, 2010
Gulf muhly grass
We're still admiring the yard. A few weeks ago, we showed this picture and I promised you these grassy things (gulf muhly, a Texas native) would fill in. Here they were, just 2 weeks ago, still in their pots:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Before & after
Our yard is finished & looks great. Here is a pic from a day or two before move-in, when we got the fence:
Here's the same shot today. That's a Texas redbud tree in the back corner.
Here's the front again, complete with grass.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
More on the yard
That's the garden, for our followers across the pond. Here we have more pix of our landscape work. They used some of our old stones to make a path around to the side of the house, and put some nice shrubs around them. Those bushes under the windows have tiny yellow berries.
Along the west side, we had rain barrels installed this week, along with some gizmos called rain tubes that are supposed to keep all the leaves & gunk out of the gutters. We didn't mind cleaning them out at our old, one story house, but there's no way we're climbing up two stories to clean out gutters. Anyway, with the rains we get here, we should be able to water the plants now & then with free water.
Here's a front yard shot. All that mulch they put in really stinks!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Check out this nice rainbow I snapped last week:
Big Dave likes to call it landscraping. Well, they do a fair amount of scraping, don't they? And digging, and planting. Our landscape guys are hard at work, and they have unearthed another lucky horse shoe. There it is on the right, next to the 4 that turned up on St. Patrick's Day. That horse had big hooves. Blocky fellow.
Here are some of the plants in the back yard, these grassy things will fill in and look nice.
They haven't put them in the ground yet, but these shrubberies have beautiful purple berries. The birds will enjoy them.
Here is the front yard. Our Bureaucracy Oak has been yanked out & replaced by this Little Hip Hawthorne. It's going to have to be moved, though, because it's competing with the stained glass window for attention (the window ALWAYS wins).
Have you missed the blog posts? Suggest a new topic, if you want.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Getting settled
Remember that clean, empty kitchen we pictured on moving day? Here's what it looked like by the end of the day - box chaos. What a mess!
Here's the family room, I think I took this pic the day after we moved in:
Here it is now - we still need to hang some pictures, but we're getting there.
Meanwhile, the landscapers are working on the yard. Since Tim & Stan moved to Galveston, it's our turn to have the nicest yard on the street (Holla, Tim & Stan & McDog!)
They're using some of the stones we brought over from the old house - more recycling.
Right now, the irrigation guys are digging trenches and putting in the sprinklers. Once that is done, the landscaper will come back & do the planting.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Cool ride of the week.26
Big brother Dave is probably mad that we haven't shown a Corvette in the cool rides, so here is a nice one:
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Moving day!
Well, gang, the Insomniac Queen managed a few hours' sleep, but today is the day we've been waiting for and when are the movers coming? Oh, it's only 4:30 a.m. Meanwhile, here are some pix of the house, all done. Here's the front - wish I had moved the trash bin. At least they finally removed the Texas Outhouse. We also got some free sod, a companion to the Sidewalk to Nowhere.
Everyone is always interested in kitchens. Here is ours, as empty and clean as it will EVER be:
Here's the stairway to our 2,000 sq foot attic (the upstairs).
And here is the master bathroom, downstairs.
Is Denny's open? When are the movers coming?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Go ahead - fence us in
Yesterday, we got a new fence along the back and one side of our yard. Lucky for us, the neighbors will share the cost. Here is some of the prep work.
This is the back of the yard. We chose a taller fence than we had before.
We had extra brick and stone from the house, and our builder had some workers stack it neatly in the back corner of the yard. Where it was directly in the way of the fence guys. So hubby and I got our gloves and moved about a half pallet of brick, along with the stone, about 3 or 4 feet. In the picture below, you can see the pallet it used to be on. We moved those bricks, two by two, into the pile on the right. Those of you who go to the gym - here's a new workout for the whole body: Go out in the hot sun, move a bunch of bricks and stone, and stack them out of the way so somebody can access the area they need. Woof! We lost a couple pounds of sweat on that job.
Here's the finished fence - nice!
God bless those workers who are out in our hot weather every day. They have built us a lovely new home, and we are moving tomorrow!
We'll be off the blog for a few days until we can unpack, and get our internet connection going again.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Stand by - we WILL move this week
This morning, we met our mortgage broker at the house to sign a few final papers. This converted our loan from a construction loan to a regular mortgage. We got there and these arrows were painted on the driveway. Our builder was very apologetic - the City, in its wisdom, decided that our front lawn needed a Sidewalk To Nowhere (since neither of our neighbors has one).
Here is the red tag the inspector left - see the middle line? "No sidewalk." Thanks, dude, you couldn't have mentioned that the same day you required the Bureaucracy Oak?
So, we called the movers and delayed everything for one day. We had planned to move on Wednesday, but everyone would have to slog through this mess:
They should pour the sidewalk and re-pour the driveway on Wednesday. The movers will have to leave their trucks on the street and bring everything in, but that's what they usually do, anyway. Look, they had to move the Bureaucracy Oak to make room for the sidewalk:
We're keeping a sense of humor - what else can we do? Lucky for us, the apartment is still ours for 12 days.
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