It was lovely in Houston last week, but apparently the permits for building our new home are still in process, so nothing happened at our lot. Hubby worked on Saturday (it's tax season, after all), so after running some errands, I set out to our lot to remove some of that blasted ground cover he hates. Pictured above is the spot I worked on - maybe 6 square feet of this ivy that everyone has. From the apartment storage closet, I took my kneeling pad and the bio-degradable bags. Grabbed a diet coke and headed over. Oops - forgot my garden gloves. I'm used to those being handy in the garage. Well, I thought, I'll just tear up one little patch, how bad could it be? I didn't take a hoe, or a shovel, or a garden rake, or a machete. Any would have been a great help. So, I started tearing away at it with my bare hands. How many of us do any real physical labor these days? We work at computers all day, maybe we go to the gym, but when is the last time you wore yourself out? Well, this little patch of ground cover took me two hours of pulling, digging, twisting, cursing, and kicking. Sure, kicking! Once I got it started, kicking at the base of the stuff helped pull it up. Take a look at my hand, after I was done. Now, that's a filthy hand you can be proud of! And here's a shout-out to the Irish cousins, fellow Daughters of the Potato Famine.

Here's the "after" picture, that little patch of ground cover is gone. There is still a LOT of it left, all around the base of the oak tree. I'll get to it - plenty of time!

Everything I pulled up, two hours worth of effort, fit it ONE yard bag. Crazy!

We're looking forward to the day when that permit-on-a-stick shows up at the lot, and they'll start building.
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