If that shiny silver stuff they're putting all over the house were twisted into a swirl, wouldn't it look like a big square version of Jiffy Pop? Ok, I'm dating myself with that reference, who cares! They haven't changed the framing over the front door yet - maybe tomorrow.
Here's the master bedroom, which will have a door leading out to the patio. They installed this door today, but it should be in the kitchen. Switcheroo tomorrow.

This is a big room upstairs which the builder calls the Children's Retreat. We don't have any kids, but this is looking like it will be a nice Grownups Retreat - go up there, read a book, gaze out the window. Yell at the neighbor's idiot dog. Four nice windows that face north. The roof isn't on yet.
A view from the bridge - isn't that a play? This pic looks down from the bridge (open hallway between the two bedrooms on the east side and the other two on the west side) toward the living room and kitchen. That frame on the lower right will become the kitchen island, where hubby will cook fabulous meals.

This is a big room upstairs which the builder calls the Children's Retreat. We don't have any kids, but this is looking like it will be a nice Grownups Retreat - go up there, read a book, gaze out the window. Yell at the neighbor's idiot dog. Four nice windows that face north. The roof isn't on yet.
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